Welcome to the Art Scratch Aviation
Art in aviation
Humberto Quiroz Cobeñas, my beginnings in modeling date back to when I was a 7-year-old boy, a time when I took my first steps participating in school competitions building my first models which were Boats, my father a great fan of airplanes was the one who explained to me and updated me with the planes that I knew since his youth the first ones built with wood, tubular and the most modern aluminum, this is how this great passion for airplanes was built in a world that I discovered at an early age and as the dream of every child I thought of building a real one.
With much love to my father : Cesar R . Quiroz Velarde
By: Humberto Quiroz C
On our website we want to inform you about our actions and work. We present our current projects, as well as the projects carried out as a reference. Art Scratch Aviation acts as a medium-sized scale aircraft construction company, each model that is built is crafted by expert modeler.
Art Scratch Aviation specializes in the construction of scale aircraft.
We bring experience, dedication, passion and award-winning details that are shown in each project we take on. But as we grow, so does our history and the services we offer.
Welcome to the Art Scratch Aviation
Bienvenido a la página web de Art Scratch Aviation . A.S.A
En nuestra web queremos informarte sobre nuestras acciones y trabajo. Presentamos nuestros proyectos actuales, así como los proyectos realizados como referencia. Art Scratch Aviation actúa como una mediana empresa de construcción de aviones a escala , cada modelo que se construye es elaborado por expertos modelistas .
Art Scratch Aviation se especializa en la construcción de aviones a escala.
Aportamos experiencia, dedicación, pasión y detalles premiados que se muestran en cada proyecto que asumimos. Pero a medida que crecemos, también lo hace nuestra historia y los servicios que ofrecemos.
Modern Aviation